I started work at around 6.30 this morn as my mind was motivated and ready to smash the day 💪🏼
I was driven by my own fiery discipline and willpower to get shit done!
In yoga philosophy this is called Tapas, one of the five 'niyamas' which are personal practices that relate to our inner world giving us a moral or ethical guide to living.
As I sunk my teeth into my work, I was instantly in a flow state feeling extremely focused (called Dhyana). By around lunch time I certainly felt the tightness in my shoulders, neck and side body.
Lately I've been setting myself little 'goal posts', making a conscious effort to break down each task and do one thing at a time (inspired by my book that I've been sharing on my insta story) once I complete the task, I get up and give myself a huge big stretch to reset and begin the next task.
This takes a lot of self control (Tapas), it's hard but it's worth it.
This particular task was a big one! Opening registrations for my 8 week Float program to everyone who expressed interest and the special souls on my mailing list. I've been excited but nervous to release this. It's stepping on new territory and getting outside of my comfort zone as well as everyone who joins.
Negative self talk tried to fill my head 'what if I'm a shit teacher?', 'what if no one books?', 'what if people do book and hate the program - or me?'... I am human after all.
But I dissed that pretty quickly, took a deep breath, gave myself a pep-talk because this is going to be the best program I've ever run. And I wish someone else was running it so I could participate!!!
I'm so proud of the work I've put in, I'm so excited for what we're going to do in the 8 wks and know that this is going to be SO FUN. I inhaled and I hit send...and... within minutes spots started to book! 🙌🏼 I slowly exhaled!!!

Check out the 8 week program here... Strength + Balance