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It's only temporary | Iso diaries

🌱 Although we may feel discomfort, this is when we grow the most. I've had a lot of thinking time while in quarantine and I'm being shown little reminders and lessons that will continue to guide me once all of this has passed.... 🌱 sometimes we have no control and that's ok 🌱 people are so extremely generous 🌱 people are trying their hardest, so always be kind 🌱 we are all going through this together 🌱 it's still ok to smile at strangers 🌱 use this time as an opportunity to shift to a slower pace, maybe explore a new hobby 🌱 it's ok to not be ok 🌱 it's ok to be content, at peace, even happy in this new paradigm 🌱 it's ok to use this time to hustle and create if you feel called to do so 🌱 it's ok to not want to do anything at all 🌱 trust what is meant to be will unfold when the time is right While this is challenging for the most part, I feel so grateful we can stay connected with our teachers, friends and families. What's helping me through quarantine is routine - a daily yoga practice, a workout and eating well. Life is pretty different right now, but it's only temporary. Go easy on yourself 🌱 #quarantinethoughts #quarantine #dailypractice



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